Assume that it takes steve minutes to leave work

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM1382068

Steve needs to decide where to get a haircut. He has narrowed the choice down to two local hair salons - Large Hair Salon (LHS) and Small Hair Cutters (SHC).
During busy periods, a new customer walks into LHS every 15 minutes (with a standard deviation of 15 minutes). At SHC, a customer walks in every hour (with a standard deviation of 1 hour). LHS has a staff of 4 barbers, while SHC has 1 barber. A typical service time at either salon lasts 30 minutes (with a standard deviation of 30 minutes).

Q1. If Steve walks into LHS during a busy period, how long (in minutes) must he wait in line before he can see a barber? (Only include the waiting time, not any service time)

Q2. How many customers, on average will be in LHS, including both waiting in line and being served?

Q3. Assume that it takes Steve10 minutes to leave work and walk to LHS and 10 minutes to walk back (i.e. each way of the walk takes 10 minutes). How long (in minutes) will he need to leave work for to get a haircut at LHS?

Reference no: EM1382068

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