Assume that firedup has created a database

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13943947

Assume that FiredUp has created a database with the following tables:

CUSTOMER (CustomerSK, Name, Phone, EmailAddress)

STOVE (SerialNumber, Type, Version, DateOfManufacture)

REGISTRATION (CustomerSK, SerialNumber, Date)

STOVE_REPAIR (RepairInvoiceNumber, SerialNumber, Date, Description, TotalCost, TotalPaid, CustomerSK)

A. Create a view called RepairSummary that shows only RepairInvoiceNumber, TotalCost, and TotalPaid.

B. Show a SQL statement to retrieve all RepairSummary data sorted by TotalCost.

C. Create a view called CustomerRepair that shows CUSTOMER.Name and STOVE_REPAIR.SerialNumber, Date, Description, and TotalDue, where TotalDue is the difference between TotalCost and TotalPaid.

Reference no: EM13943947

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