Assume n 16 the luncheon expense vouchers of the executives

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Reference no: EM13584396

1) Assume n= 16. The luncheon expense vouchers of the executives of a large advertising firm have a population mean μ = $10 per person and σ = $4 per person.

a) Below what dollar value will 99% of the sample means fall?_________

b) What proportion of the sample means will be between $8 and $12? ________

c) What proportion of the sample means will be below $9 or above $12? _________

d) What proportion of the sample means will be below $8? _________

e) What proportion of the sample means will be above _________

2) The luncheon expense vouchers of the executives of a large advertising firm have a population mean μ = $85 per person and σ = $12 per person. Assume n = 9

a. below what dollar value will 99% of the sample means fall?________

b. what proportion of the sample means will be between $80 and $60? ________

c. what proportion of the sample means will be below $80 or above $75? ________

d. what proportion of the sample means will be below $80? _________

Reference no: EM13584396

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