Assistive devices or changes to work environment

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133419802

You are a Return to Work Coordinator who has just begun a job with an organization that provides a number of services for small and medium-sized companies related to managing their absences and returning people who have incurred temporary or permanent disabilities to work. In reading your job description, you notice that it includes a statement that any concerns regarding the legitimacy of a claim should be reported to the insurer. You wonder what would constitute a concern.

You have just been given a couple of files covering workers who are absent with injuries and illnesses. One of these is for Bob, 34, is a labourer at a pulp mill and much of his job includes lifting, pushing and pulling. He fell while working and a note from his doctor indicates that he has injured his back and should stay away from work for at least three weeks. While you are going through his file and preparing a list of the initial steps you will take in dealing with this case, you receive a phone call from the benefits coordinator at Bob's organization. He tells you that in his opinion Bob has not injured his back and that he simply wants to take some time off for fishing. You ask him what the insurance company has said about this but he responds that he hasn't been in contact with them and that the reason his company contracted with yours was so that they wouldn't have to spend time dealing with individual absences.

Identify who will be involved and who might be affected by the return and how.

Identify barriers to return to work and how these might be mitigated.

Identify potential accommodations such as modifying the job, graduated return to work, the use of assistive devices or changes to the work environment and why you would consider these.

Reference no: EM133419802

Questions Cloud

When patient is admitted because of primary neoplasm : When a patient is admitted because of a primary neoplasm with metastasis and treatment is directed toward the secondary site only.
Interfere with the life of adolescents : What are some of the problems that may interfere with the life of adolescents?
What are basic collective bargaining strategies : What are the basic collective bargaining strategies. Describe both economic and non-economic components of collective bargaining.
What is their observable emotional intelligence : What is their approach to negotiation? What is their observable emotional intelligence?
Assistive devices or changes to work environment : Identify potential accommodations such as modifying the job, graduated return to work, the use of assistive devices or changes to the work environment
Recruitment and selection to build effective workforces : Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different methods of recruitment and selection to build effective workforces.
Job-based compensation based structure : Why would an Hr manager have a job-based compensation based structure rather than skill based structure? list reasons and explain.
Romantic notion of homogeneous and harmonious culture : Explain the romantic notion of homogeneous and harmonious culture. Why is this notion incorrect?
Climate change complicated organizational communications : How have globalization, terrorism and climate change complicated organizational communications in today's workplace?


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