Assignment to construct and implement anonlinesurvey

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131068673

i need the following:

The purpose of this assignment to construct and implement anonlinesurvey based upon your M1A1 Survey Plan. You should incorporate feedback from your instructor on your plan as well as ideas and suggestions from your peers in M2D1

Complete the following steps:

  1. Construct a questionnaire that includes your measures of your dependent and independent variables. You can use a variety of question types (see Cooper Chapter 13). It is suggested you minimize use of open-ended questions. Your questionnaire should have 10 questions.
  2. Create youronlinesurvey using Google Forms.[Note: Read and follow the instructions on building and sharing your survey questionnaire found here:]
  3. Using course email, send the link to your survey to your classmates and your instructor.
  4. Respond to each of your classmates' surveys and email each classmate with suggestions/comments about their survey. Copy your instructor on your email to each person.
  5. Analyze the results of your survey and calculate appropriate descriptive statistics and related graphs on your classmates' responses to your survey. You can download a CSV file of your survey response data from Google Forms and then use Excel or other statistical software of your choosing.
  6. Retain the feedback and suggestions from your classmates and your instructor.
  7. Prepare and submit a report (using Word or equivalent word processor) of your findings.

Evaluation Criteria

Review the SBT Survey Assignment Rubric located in the "Start Here" section of the course for more information on grading criteria.

Reference no: EM131068673

Questions Cloud

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Management uses percentage of sales method : Management uses percentage of sales method for setting its advertising and promotion budget in all markets. Sales in market A = $5 Million. Sales is market B = $10 million in 2015.
Stream of cash flows received at the end of each year : Find the present value at the end of year 3 of the following stream of cash flows received at the end of each year, assuming the firm can earn 17% on its investments. Year 1 - $3,500 Year 2 - $4,250 Year 3 - $6,000
Difference in cumulative and non-cumulative preferred stock : What is the difference between cumulative and non-cumulative preferred stock? Which has the least impact on common dividend distributions (give an example)
Assignment to construct and implement anonlinesurvey : The purpose of this assignment to construct and implement anonlinesurvey based upon your M1A1 Survey Plan. You should incorporate feedback from your instructor on your plan as well as ideas and suggestions from your peers in M2D1
What would you say that makes a good leader : A good leader helps to shape not only the organization, but the world. There are plenty of good leaders but often times the focus is on what we deem a good leader should or should not be.
Is there an ethical problem with the presidents proposal : The Everglo Corp., a manufacturer of cosmetics, is financed with a 50-50 mix of debt and equity. The debt is in the form of debentures, which have a relatively weak indenture. using the money raised to attack the lucrative but very risky European mar..
Formulate marketing strategy and actions that influence : Analyze key social and external factors to determine the impact on consumer behavior and the changes needed in marketing strategy.
Economic knowledge and analytical skills : In 250 words, describe how you feel this course has help you improve your economic knowledge and analytical skills and assess the course objective you still do not understand ans suggest how to improve the course to meet your objective?


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