Assignment - The wedge product and product operations

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131870076


The wedge product might seem weird to you at first. One way to become more comfortable with it is to see how it is connected to concepts that you are already familiar with. In this assignment, you will learn about how the wedge product is related to determinants, cross products, and other products from vector calculus.

1. The 2 × 2 determinant

Exercise 1 - Let α and β be the 1-forms on R2 that correspond to vectors a and b. Show that α ∧ β = (a 332_figure.png b)dx ∧ dy.

2. The 2 × 2 determinant and the triple scalar product

Exercise 2 - Let α, β, and γ be 1-forms (with constant coefficients) on R3, and let A be the matrix whose rows are the corresponding vectors. Show that α ∧ β ∧ γ = |A|dx ∧ dy ∧ dz.

In 3 dimensions, there is another formula for the determinant, using something called the triple scalar product. (You probably encountered it in Calc III, but it's likely that you only saw it briefly and then never again, so don't feel bad if you don't remember.)

Exercise 3 - Let a, b, and c be vectors in R3, and let A be the matrix whose rows are a, b, and c. Show that det A = T(a, b, c).

3. The dot and cross products

Exercise 4 - Let α and β be the 1-forms on R3 that correspond to vectors a and b. Show that α ∧ β corresponds to a × b.

Exercise 5 - Let a and b be vectors in R3. Let α be the 1-form corresponding to a, and let β be the 2-form corresponding to b. Show that α ∧ β = (a · b)dx ∧ dy ∧ dz.

What about the other possibilities?

Exercise 6 - Let a and b be vectors in R3.

(a) Let α be the 2-form corresponding to a, and let β be the 1-form corresponding to b. What does α ∧ β calculate?

(b) Let α be the 2-form corresponding to a, and let β be the 2-form corresponding to b. What does α ∧ β calculate?

Exercise 7 - Use the results of Exercises 3, 4, and 5 to give a "coordinate-free" proof of Exercise 2. (Coordinate-free means that you avoid calculations where forms are written out in terms of dx, dy, and dz.)

4. Determinants in higher dimensions

Exercise 8 - Let α1, . . . αn be 1-forms (with constant coefficients) on Rn, and let A be the matrix whose rows are the corresponding vectors. Show that α1 ∧ α2 ∧ · · · ∧ αn = |A|dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn.

Remark: For this exercise, you'll probably want to use a double-index, i.e.

α1 = a11dx1 + a12dx2 + · · · + a1ndxn,

α2 = a21dx1 + a22dx2 + · · · + a2ndxn,


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This assignment is based on the basics of the vector algebra. In this task, there are 8 problems given, in which some problems are based on the proof of the value of the determinant and the product of the wedges. Also, in some problems, we have to prove the cross product and dot product is equivalent to the product of the given wedges in two dimension and three dimensions respectively.

Reference no: EM131870076

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2/20/2018 1:03:43 AM

Note that the brute-force calculations that you probably used in Exercises 1 and 2 won’t work here, since n can be arbitrarily large. There are two possible approaches to the proof, each coming from a different way of defining the determinant. There is a theorem (which you’ll find in any good linear algebra book) that says that both of the definitions agree. The first possible approach uses the recursive definition of the determinant. (You might know it as the “cofactor expansion” formula, which is probably the way you learned to calculate determinants; for our purposes, it will be enough to only do expansions along the first column.)

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