Assignment-the challenge of offshoring

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Reference no: EM132941411

Assignment - The Challenge of Offshoring

Refer to textbook case, Analyzing Management Decisions, The Challenge of Offshoring, on page 141 of the course text (chapter 3).

Read the case and address the questions posed; however, you must follow the format outlined below. The questions simply help to focus your analyses and approach. They guide you in exploring stakeholder perspectives and possible alternatives/solutions. Support any assumptions that you make (use citations), and remember to apply terms and concepts from the text. The objective of any assignment is to demonstrate what you have learned in the course! Format Use the following standard report format to organize your analyses based on the proposed questions: Introduction - in a paragraph, briefly summarize the issues.

Problem Statement - in a sentence, describe the major problem that must be resolved. Stakeholder Analysis - Consider the complexity of the situation and the potentially conflicting perspectives of at least three various stakeholders (refer to chapter 1), applying concepts from the text. Alternatives - analyze the solutions proposed in the case, as well as two or more of your own suggestions, which must be supported by concepts in the text, or external research. Recommended Solution - what would you advise? How will you implement your recommendation? Conclusion - briefly summarize why your solution best resolves the problem. [Format, References and style ] Written Report Your written report should be no more than two pages in length. Use at least three sources/references to support your analyses, and remember to document them properly. Appendices can be used for any additional details to support your arguments

Reference no: EM132941411

Questions Cloud

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Compare and contrast egoism and virtue ethics : Compare and contrast Egoism and virtue ethics, evaluating what you see to be their positive contributions to the field and their shortcomings.
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Assignment-the challenge of offshoring : Refer to textbook case, Analyzing Management Decisions, The Challenge of Offshoring, on page 141 of the course text (chapter 3).
Managerial entrenchment in the corporate world : Managerial entrenchment occurs when managers gain so much power that they can use the firm to further their own interests rather than the interests of sharehold
What is the distinction made in economic analysis : What is the distinction made in economic analysis between the short run and the long run? With references, pleas
Explain two arguments against affirmative action : Please explain two arguments against affirmative action?
Assignment on organizational structure : You are tasked by the CEO of ABC Org to increase creativity and innovation in the organization.


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