Assignment related to the prestige hotel

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Reference no: EM13725079

The Prestige Hotel:

FIGURE 2.57 Denver Rooms 3 Guests Query
The Prestige Hotel chain caters to upscale business travelers and provides state-of-the-art conference, meeting, and reception facilities. It prides itself on its international, four-star cuisine. Last year, it began a member reward club to help the marketing department track the purchasing patterns of its most loyal customers. All of the hotel transactions are stored in the database. Your task is to help the managers of the Prestige Hotel in Denver and Chicago identify their customers who stayed in a room last year and who had three persons in their party. Refer to Figure 2.57 as you complete this exercise.

2319_denvers room.png

Figure 2.57  Denver Rooms

3 guests querry

a. Open a02m2hotel. Click the File tab. click Save Database As, and then type a02m2hotel_ LastnameFirstname. Click Save. Review the data contained in the three tables. Specifically, look for the tables and fields containing the information you need: dates of stays in Denver suites, the members' names, and the numbers in the parties.

b. Import the Location data from the Excel file a02m2location into your database as a new table. Set the LocationlD Indexed property to Yes (No Duplicates), and then set the data type to Long Integer. Select the LocationlD field as the primary key. Name the table Location.

c. Open the Relationshipsv and then create a rd,aiiorisL111_.,thi.tween the Location table and the 44Y Orders table using the LocationlD field. En or-f-eferential integrthen sject Cascade Update Related Fields. Set the othertwo relationships as shown in Figure 2.57. Save and close the Relationships window.

d. Open the Members table, and then find Bryan Gray's name. Replace his name with your own first and last name. Now find Nicole Lee's name, and then replace it with your name.
Mid-Level Exercises • Access 2010

Reference no: EM13725079

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