Assignment program on crawler game

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13317799

Assignment program Crawler game :

Update the Crawler game attached to allow a user to traverse the Cave. They should be prompted in each room to pick an exit or quit. Every room they enter that has a Treasure, they should earn one point. Once they quit, the total number of treasure collected, should be displayed to the screen. You should also display the total number of rooms visited. You do NOT need to let them start over, and you can not move backwards in the cave.

Just use same program which was already done in class and you need update the same program ,60 % of program was already done in class , Use same method our professor is using , I have attached youtube link of our class. Assignment should be submitted in Zip folder.

Given : entire set of codes (Program is already done 60% by the professor). Check the zip folder video :See video : 4/7/14 , part 1 and part 2

Small Questions for the expert after the assignment is completed:1) Which parts of the assignment were you not able to complete fully? For each, explain why you were unable to complete this part and what steps you took to attempt to complete it. Give me as much detail as possible such that I may award partial credit where it is due2)what would you do differently if you could do this assignment again?



Reference no: EM13317799

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