Assignment on the two-dimensional array sales

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Reference no: EM13780926

1. Use a two-dimensional array to solve the following problem: A company has four salespeople (1 to 4) who sell five different products (1 to 5). Once a day, each salesperson passesin a slip for each type of product sold. Each slip contains the following:

a) The salesperson number

b) The product number

c) The total dollar value of that product sold that day

Thus, each salesperson passes in between 0 and 5 sales slips per day. Assume that the informationfrom all the slips for last month is available.Write an application that will read all this information forlast month's sales and summarize the total sales by salesperson and by product. All totals should bestored in the two-dimensional array sales. After processing all the information for last month, displaythe results in tabular format, with each column representing a salesperson and each row representing a particular product. Cross-total each row to get the total sales of each product for last month.

Cross-total each column to get the total sales by salesperson for last month. Your output shouldinclude these cross-totals to the right of the totaled rows and to the bottom of the totaled columns.

Test your answer using:

{1, 4, 20},
{1, 5, 30},
{2, 5, 25},
{3, 3, 50},
{4, 2, 80},
{1, 4, 30},
{2, 3, 25},
{3, 4, 20},
{4, 3, 45},
{1, 1, 10},

Reference no: EM13780926

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