Assignment on stress free estates

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133027108

"Stress Free Estates" is a national estate planning firm with 2,500 employees in eight states.

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes for upper management at "Stress Free Estates" to address the following areas:

  • An overview of Title VII as applied to race and national origin discrimination
  • Ways "Stress Free Estates" can minimize liability for race and national origin discrimination in its employment practices
  • The three types of affirmative action
  • Whether any type of affirmative action is required or recommended for the firm

Include visual interest in the form of relevant photos, clip art, and/or graphics. 

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines and include both an introduction slide and reference slide,

On a separate MS Word file, you will cut and paste all of your speaker notes. Please ensure you clearly mark what slide the notes are for in this file. This file will be posted with your Presentation.

When I grade, I will be grading from your speaker notes, I will not be looking in the slides for substantive material. While you are graded on your presentation and its layout, you will find my rubrics and remarks on the MS Word file you post with the presentation. 

Slides should never have more than 30 words. More than that causes the listener to tune out the speaker and just read the slides. Speaker notes should contain all of your substantive material. 

You may not copy and paste any information into your work. Read the information from your source and put it into your document in your own words, then correctly cite your source with in-text citations and a reference at the end of your document.

Reference no: EM133027108

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Assignment on stress free estates : Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes for upper management at "Stress Free Estates" to address the following areas:
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