Assignment on social media exercise

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Reference no: EM133229963

Social Media Exercise

Although Nike was founded in the Pacific Northwest and still has its corporate headquarters near Beaverton, Oregon, the company has become a multinational enterprise. The firm employs more than 62,000 people across six continents and is now a global marketer of footwear, apparel, and athletic equipment.

Because it operates in more than 160 countries around the globe and manufactures products in more than 900 factories in 50+ different countries, sustainability is a big initiative for Nike. Today, Nike uses the YouTube social media site to share its sustainability message with consumers, employees, investors, politicians, and other interested stakeholders. 

To learn about the company's efforts to sustain the planet, follow these steps:

  • Make an Internet connection and go to the YouTube website (
  • Enter the words "Nike" and "Sustainability" in the search window and click the search button.
  • View at least three different YouTube videos about Nike's sustainability efforts.

Based on your findings, answer the following questions: 

  1. Based on the information in the videos you watched, do you believe that Nike is a good corporate citizen because of its efforts to sustain the planet? Why or why not?
  2. Describe how Nike is taking steps to reduce waste, improve the environment, and reduce its carbon footprint while manufacturing products around the globe.

Reference no: EM133229963

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