Reference no: EM13806245
• There is a broad discussion and justification of the specific topic in the plan. Statement of the problem in the topic is established. The introduction will establish the purpose statement for the paper and the topic.
Background and Literature Review
• Historical overview of the main topic is covered. The current link of the established topic is established in broad category.
• A review of existing studies and articles that cover the topic of single parent fathers is used to justify the topic.
Child Welfare Policies
• The paper will explore the historical, legal, ideological, and professional themes that touch on the topic of single parent fathers. This will include adoption, race, child protection and social policies.
Theoretical and Ethical Perspective
• Theoretical and ethical perspective of the topic in child welfare are established and explained.
Current Policy and Practice
• Current policy in line of child welfare touching on single parent fathers is established
• Contemporary policies and programs for populations disproportionately engaged with child welfare are introduced.
Role of the State
• The role of the state in child welfare is discussed in broad category. The role of the state in defining and influencing child welfare practices.
• The role of state in establishing the relationship of child welfare, child protection, implication for practice and structural realities that will relate to single parent fathers.
Social Implication
• Social issues that affect single parent fathers are discussed as well as the issues that affect family and child welfare.
• A well established and concise conclusion with a restatement of the purpose statement for the topic will be established.