Reference no: EM133104406
Retail Customer Data Catherine is a marketing manager at Organic Food Superstore. She would like to use the company's marketing dollars to market a new line of Asian- inspired meals to college-educated millennials. She has acquired a representative sample. She has spends days to form a small dataset, you can see in what shape her collected data is from the attached Excel file. 1)
Question 1: Primary Analysis
a) Find the % missing values for each and every feature? (variable / columns)
b) Based on your answer to a), which feature has the most and least amount of missing values (ignore the first column)?
c) What portion of the data (200 subjects in total) is complete and can be used for analysis immediately without further processing? (We want the actual number not an estimate, use a method that could have been applied even if there were 200,00 subjects in this dataset)
d) How many customers have an income greater than 53K but made a total orders of less than 9?
2) Question 2: Improving the Data
a) In your opinion what is the best strategy to deal with the missing values in the "ZipCode" column? Be specific!
b) In your opinion what is the best strategy to deal with the missing values in the "Income" column? Be specific!
c) Apply the strategy you mentioned in b) on "Income" column
d) Compare the average value of "Income" column before and after your applied strategy.