Assignment on recruitment statistics

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Reference no: EM132808433

Recruitment Statistics

As the assistant to the human resources director at Tally Group, you normally answer phones and set appointments for the director. You are interested in developing skills in HRM, and one day, your HR director presents you with a great opportunity for you to show what you can do. She asks you to analyze last year's recruitment data to determine which methods have worked best. As you look at the data, you aren't sure how to start, but you remember something on this from your HRM class in college. After reviewing the data in your book, you feel confident to analyze these numbers.

Please go ahead and perform calculations on these numbers, then provide answers to the questions that follow. Simply divide the total annual cost of each recruiting method by the number hired.

Table 4.2 Tally Group Recruiting Numbers, 2012

Recruitment Method            # hired/Recruited      Total Annual Cost         Calculate Cost per Hire/Recruit Yield

Temporary placement firms          8                        3,200

Campus recruiting                    2                        1,500

Professional association ads        10                        4,500

Social media/company website      33                        300

Job fair                                 3                         500

Referrals                              26                       26,000

  1. Make a recommendation to your human resource director on where the department should spend more of its time recruiting.
  2. Summarizing your findings for the recruitment cost per recruit/hire and yield ratio for each type of recruiting method.

Reference no: EM132808433

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