Reference no: EM13783849
Imagine that you are the HR manager for a retail store. Your store sells clothing, shoes, handbags, linens, etc.
The company recently had its worst quarter, and you want to improve employee performance through sales of the merchandise and through offering excellent customer service.
The employees are less motivated, due to the recent negative media attention the company has been getting about its earnings. You want to implement a new performance management system, modify the employees' current behavior, and link compensation directly to performance.
1.Create a job description for a retail sales associate. Create an organizational behavior modification (OBM) plan to define a set of three (3) key behaviors that are necessary for job performance.
2.Determine two (2) ways that an HR manager would measure whether prospective employees exhibit the key job performance behaviors. Propose two (2) methods that an HR manager can use to inform employees of the new performance standards.
3.As the HR manager, create a plan with two (2) methods of providing feedback to employees. Include the frequency with which the feedback would be provided. Propose two (2) actions that company leaders should take to reinforce positive employee behaviors.
4.As the HR manager, determine three (3) benefits the organization would gain if it adopts a management by objects (MBO) approach in which the employees' goals are aligned with the organization's goals. Provide two (2) reasons why it is important to align pay with performance.
5.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.