Assignment on organizational culture

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Reference no: EM133028844

Organizational Culture

Churnout is a successful online retailer that was forced to oust its previous CEO because he instigated poor workplace behavior. The new CEO is adamant that change is needed, and fast. However, she is facing resistance from a senior leader in the company based on the way she wants to go about changing Churnout's organizational culture. Senior leadership is meeting to discuss how to move forward and there is a lot of tension in the room.

 Julia has recently taken over as CEO of Churnout because her predecessor, Lincoln, was forced out of the company due to allegations of creating a hostile work environment and other serious issues. Julia is meeting with three other executives to discuss how to change the toxic culture at Churnout. She is facing the stiffest resistance from Ben. Though Ben does not condone all of Lincoln's actions, he believes that the company's culture under Lincoln contributed to its current success. Julia disagrees with Ben's approach and wants to begin the process of culture change at Churnout as soon as possible, no matter what it takes.

  1. What are some things that could happen if Julia proceeds with her "at all costs" move forward to change the company culture? Is there a way to mitigate these problems?
  2. Do you think Julia should consider Ben's comments? What about the other top leaders? What about others in the company?
  3. Have you ever worked at a place that had a questionable workplace culture? How did that affect you? What could have changed the situation?

Reference no: EM133028844

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