Reference no: EM13770004
Assignment On Mobile App (Work Breakdown Structure)
This assignment contains two (2) deliverables: a summary document to be delivered in a word processor document format and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to be delivered in a project file.
Imagine that you work as the project manager for an IT department. Your organization has recently approved the development of a mobile application. As the project manager, you will manage the development of the project. The project will include user experience (UX) design by a consultant, graphic design by a team of two contracted designers, and in-house application development by a team of three (3) programmers and a database developer.
1- Summary (MS Word or open source equivalent)
Write a one to two (1-2) page summary document in which you:
Summarize the project requirements and other assumptions (i.e., budget, human resources, workload, environmental dependencies, etc.).
Define a work breakdown structure and describe the methodology behind constructing one.
2- WBS (MS Project or open source equivalent)
Use Microsoft Project or an open source equivalent to create a WBS which addresses the following:
Contain at least five (5) main tasks, one (1) for each of the PMBOK® process areas.
Contain at least thirty (30) line items distributed in five (5) or more work packages.
Contain Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.
Present duration estimates for each task that results in a duration estimate for the project not to exceed the requirements described in the overview.
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Assignment on mobile app work breakdown structure
: Assignment On Mobile App (Work Breakdown Structure), This assignment contains two (2) deliverables: a summary document to be delivered in a word processor document format and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to be delivered in a project file.
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