Reference no: EM133143040
Intervention processes
Organizational change aimed at human capital is also key in the operation of the company. One of the organizational changes can be personnel changes, both at high, medium or low levels, or even the reduction of personnel in the company. It is important to note that organizational changes seek to increase interpersonal and work effectiveness. When planning changes it is important to carefully analyze the situation to avoid employee dissatisfaction as they may feel displaced and insecure. It is necessary to properly manage changes related to personnel, since the company's human capital is key to its effective operation.
Read the following case carefully and follow the instructions at the end.
The service company Kautiva is experiencing major internal problems due to a high level of turnover in low- and mid-level jobs. The latest data shows that for the year 2019 the company had a 20% turnover in its jobs. The top management of the company tells the human resources department that it has to identify the reason why the employees are making the decision to leave the company. The human resources department proposes to the management of the company to carry out a work environment survey to find out what aspects are worrying the workers and causing them to leave, in order to try to find a solution. An important fact that should be highlighted is that Kautiva's turnover level is well above that of competing companies.
The management established a term of two weeks for them to present the results of the survey. The human resources department designed the survey and informed all employees through a formal communication that the results would be made public to all and that they would also be informed of the actions that senior management determined to take to improve the work environment and therefore thus decrease the percentage of rotation. 99% of employees participated in the survey. Human Resources presented the following results to senior management:
The main reason why workers leave the company is because of the few possibilities that the company offers them for their professional development.
The second reason is for economic reasons, employees claim that their salaries are well below the salaries offered by the competition.
there is little internal communication there is no motivation
Top management gets angry when they see the results and informs human resources that they don't plan to change anything and that whoever doesn't like it already knows where the door is. The results of the survey were not made public as top management forbade their disclosure to employees. The human resources department was discredited and the environment worsened among the workers, in addition to the fact that the percentage of turnover in the company did not improve.
What went wrong in this situation?
Does this situation have a solution in an organization?
Why does the management not intend to change anything?
Could the organization be restructured?
What is the main and secondary problem?
What are the changes that will be necessary to make in the current attitudes, and in the behavior or in the work, to achieve the effectiveness of the organization.