Assignment on est publishing

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133143303

Case study 1: EST Publishing


About a year ago, EST Publishing began looking for a new managing editor for its home magazine. The previous managing editor retired after 25 years on the job. The remaining editors and the HR department debated about the key requirements for a new managing editor: Some felt it was knowledge of the business, others thought it was interpersonal skills. A few other editors believed it was the ability to attract writing talent and subscribers. Finally, it was decided that HR would screen candidates, and the editors would interview finalists in conjunction with HR. The HR Director would make the final choice to avoid competition among the editors.

Advertisements were placed nationally. Several candidates were tested and interviewed by the HR Manager, and background references were checked. After a long search, a new managing editor, Patrick, was hired, but it quickly became apparent that a poor selection had been made. Although Patrick was competent, his overbearing management style drove two talented editors to leave for jobs with competitors. Patrick fulfilled all tasks of the position except soliciting new writers and subscribers. In addition, he offered no ideas or direction about increasing circulation, and readership remained stagnant. After 8 months, the publisher let Patrick go and began looking for a new managing editor.This time, the firm wants to find someone who is willing to tackle all tasks of the position and who has the right skills and personality mix. The firm wants someone who can start quickly and doesn't require significant training. The ability to innovate, they decided, is less critical than the motivation to work hard. Overall, however, recruiting funds are very limited for this new search.

1. Through examples drawn from your research, explain how poor HR processes for job analysis, HR planning, recruitment, and employee selection can harm a firm's strategic objectives. Apply those facts to the firm in this Case Study.

2. Highlight the criteria EST´s HR department must establish in the future when analyzing and designing jobs to assure their employees fulfill corporate goals. Create and integrate a detailed proposition on a new recruiting strategy to be successful. Discuss what technology this firm might utilize for the selection process.

Reference no: EM133143303

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