Assignment on creation of a trauma

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Reference no: EM133192923

Overview: Selection of appropriate resources and interventions for clients who have experienced trauma or crisis involves consideration of biological, developmental, cultural, and spiritual factors. Your success in treating these clients will depend heavily on a comprehensive assessment of these factors and on matching an appropriate intervention to the client crisis or trauma experience and to the individual needs of your client.

The first final project for this course is the creation of a trauma toolbox consisting of resources selected from counseling literature that you will use to support

clients who experience symptoms of crisis and trauma. You will review different case studies throughout the course that will introduce you to how to work with

different types of clients.

This assignment represents the second of the case studies and involves identifying a treatment intervention that can be used when working with clients

experiencing bereavement and grief.

Note: You will also submit this assignment to your ePortfolio as part of your final project trauma toolbox in Week Nine. After receiving feedback, you will upload

the paper, including tracked changes that show any revisions or corrections you made, for your final toolbox submission. This is required in order to receive

credit for the final project.

Prompt: Review the Week Five Case Study Ilana document, and then address the following. Be sure to support your responses with research.

You should NOT use any of the provided weekly resources or the LAPC Model (except in Week Four) for your selected intervention. Instead, please use empirical research to locate an appropriate intervention specific to the case study. See the Clarification of Intervention document. You may use articles from the Mental Health Counseling Guide or from other sources, as long as the intervention is grounded in research.

Write a paper that includes the following:

Provide a brief description of the intervention including:

(1) to whom it can be applied

(2) under what circumstances it can be applied

(3) any limitations to the intervention that should be considered

Provide rationale for choosing the selected approach for the case study.

Include an explanation for why selecting that intervention will help your work with the selected case study client, and provide appropriate


Describe how the intervention can be used in future work when supporting the treatment approaches for clients.

Provide a link to the intervention within the body of the paper (or upload the PDF) so your instructor can easily identify and reference it. Ensure the link is active and accessible for review by your instructor. Note: If your selected intervention is not accessible, your submission will be returned to you.


Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should follow the Intervention Paper Template. It should be 2 to 4 pages in length with double spacing, 12-point. Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references should be cited in APA format.

Reference no: EM133192923

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