Assignment on change and adaptability

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133173723

Discussion Post: Change and Adaptability 

Read the article: "How to adapt to American-Style Self-Promotion" (attached to this post) 

Watch the following videos: "Adaptability in the Workplace" & "The Future of Work"


Discuss each of the following prompts in a well written paragraph (reference the author/video/cite as appropriate) and label each paragraph with a header (i.e. Topic 1: Adaptability). 

Topic 1. According to the "Adaptability in the workplace" video, adaptability is "flexibility in handling change." From the six methods to be adaptable, which one is the hardest for you to do? Explain how you can develop that skill and how it would help you handle change. 

Topic 2. From the perspective of the video "The future of work," the ability to change is an opportunity for growth. Describe a situation in the past where change and adaptability were necessary for you to accomplish a goal. How did you change? Was it a lasting change? How would you have handled it differently if it happened today? 

Topic 3. Per the article "How to adapt to American-style self-promotion," self-promotion, particularly in the workplace, can be difficult for some individuals. Explain your "zone of appropriateness" and your "personal comfort zone" in terms of self-promotion. How can you close the gap? What personal development activities could help you to further close the gap?

Reference no: EM133173723

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