Assignment on blood slides

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Reference no: EM133228537

Activity 2.  Blood Slides

1.  Observe a Wright's stained blood slide using Marieb as a reference.  Erythrocytes will be the most abundant cell on the slide.  Move the slide on the stage and find three different types of leukocytes.  Examine the slide for platelets which appear as small purple fragments.  Sketch the cells on the next page considering their relative sizes in your drawing.  

Large posters visualizing different examples of the different types of leukocytes can be obtained from the instructor are helpful for determining the type of leukocyte you have found on the slide.

Erythrocyte          Platelet             Label what type of leukocytes      
   _________      _________ __________

2.  Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease caused by a single amino acid substitution. This disease causes the red blood cells to take on a sickle appearance under low oxygen conditions.   It appears in large numbers around the malaria belt of the equator due to the resistance it confers to malaria infection.  Observe and sketch the sickle cell anemia slide below.

3.  Choose one of the following blood slide conditions to observe:  acute myelomonocytic leukemia, chronic granulocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, erythroblastosis fetalis, infectious mononucleosis, pelger-huet anomaly, pernicious anemia, plasmodium, and rickettsia bodies.

Describe how this slide appears different from the first normal blood slide?  Using your text and scientific websites research the pathology of the condition you chose.

4. What would an above average level of leukocytes indicate?

A doctor knows that a patient has an infection.  The doctor orders a differential white blood cell count to determine what type of infection is likely.  

5. What leukocyte would you expect to be above normal in a parasitic infection?  

6. What leukocyte would you expect to be above normal in a bacterial infection?  

7.  What leukocyte would you expect to be in overabundance in an anaphylactic reaction?

Reference no: EM133228537

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