Assignment - Digital Media Content Portfolio and Report

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Reference no: EM132799453 , Length: 737 Words

Assignment - Digital Media Content Portfolio and Report

This assignment consists of a digital media content portfolio in addition to a 1000 word written report that discusses and justifies the decisions you made during content production. You will create an example of digital media that is designed with a specific social media platform of your choice in mind. The subject of your content can be anything you wish (a YouTube vlog or video essay about anything you like, for example), but the content must be originally your own, and the amount of content must be significant enough for you to have adequate material to reflect on in your written report.

Your assignment should address one of the following topics:

1. Facebook: Create a mock Facebook community with a series of posts.

2. Instagram: Create a series of mock Instagram posts or stories.

3. TikTok: Create a series of mock TikTok videos.

4. Twitter: Create a mock Twitter thread.

5. YouTube: Create a mock YouTube vlogger-style video.

Your report should reflect on the affordances and constraints of the platform that you have selected, the tools you used to create your content, and how this has shaped the content that you created for this assignment. To provide a theoretical basis for discussion in your report you must select two of the following readings:

Evgeny Morozov. "The nonsense of 'the internet' - and how to stop it" (week 1)

Henry Jenkins. "What constitutes meaningful participation?" (week 2)

Nancy Baym. "Communication in digital spaces" (week 3)

Peter Nagy & Gina Neff. "Imagined affordance" (week 4

Jose Van Dijck. "The ecosystem of connective media" (week 5)

Lizzie O'Shea. "Protect the digital commons!" (Week 6)

You should not bring in any additional sources for your discussion. Your report should reflect on the decisions that you made when creating your content, how this relates to the platform that you are creating content for, and consider the impact of the tools you may have used for content creation. Concepts from the readings you have selected should be used to reflect on the choices that you made when designing and creating your content. You should create content for the social media platform you have selected with the discussion in your report in mind. Also note that everyone's content will be exhibited in class after the deadline, so you should also consider how your work will be best presented in a portfolio format.

Attachment:- Digital Media Content Portfolio Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132799453

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