Assignment - case study of behavioral disorders

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Reference no: EM13882453

Assignment: Case Study of Behavioral Disorders

In this assignment, you will analyze a fictional scenario and identify the possible disorders involved. All the information needed for this assignment can be found in the textbook. Review the following vignettes:

Behavioral Disorder-Male Vignette

Joe, a thirteen-year-old Asian-American boy, is enrolled in ninth grade at a public high school located in the inner city of a large metropolitan area. Since kindergarten, his teachers have reported increasing levels of concern about his behavior. In elementary school, he was described by his teachers as immature and argumentative with authority figures. In middle school, his behavior escalated to include verbal and physical aggression toward classmates.

Recent reports indicate that he disrupts the classroom often by arguing with his teacher, talking excessively and loudly, and disobeying classroom rules. During breaks or when outside the classroom, Joe associates with a group of boys who tend to get into trouble. He tends to become angry often and easily and has gotten into many fights. Some of his classmates have reported that Joe has threatened them. He does not seem to feel guilty when he gets into trouble. He rarely finishes his schoolwork and is getting poor grades. Beginning this year, Joe's teacher has reported that he seems easily distracted.

Testing completed by the school psychologist indicates that Joe is intelligent and creative. Results do not support the presence of a learning disability or a developmental disability. The school psychologist indicates that Joe lacks sufficient motivation or desire to complete his work thoroughly or carefully. Joe's parents report that he refuses to follow rules at home, is often angry, and tends to blame his siblings when he gets into trouble.

Behavioral Disorder-Female Vignette

Maria is an eight-year-old daughter of Mexican-American parents who recently immigrated to the United States. They speak some English, and Maria is fluent in both English and Spanish. She is enrolled in third grade at the local public elementary school. Since second grade, her parents have reported concerns about her difficulty in paying attention or maintaining her concentration. They indicate that she has significant difficulty in completing her homework because she daydreams and is easily distracted by sounds and activities in the home. Maria has the same problem in the classroom, so she often has to bring unfinished classroom work home to complete. Maria gets frustrated at school and during homework time, often stating that she "can't do" the work and referring to herself as "dumb" or "not smart enough."

Maria's frustration with her schoolwork has led to some irritability lately, as well as some desire to avoid school. She tends to have more of a temper at home recently and expresses hopelessness at times. She is most content playing soccer or video games. She tends to concentrate very well during those activities.

Standardized testing completed by all children in the third grade indicates that Maria is of average intelligence. Screening by the school psychologist indicated that she most likely does not have a learning disability.

Select one of the above vignettes and analyze it in the following manner:

• Identify and describe two possible behavioral disorders one might consider as DSM diagnoses. Make sure you support those choices with specific symptoms observed in the vignettes.

• Compare and contrast the two diagnoses and select one that you consider as the most appropriate DSMdiagnosis. Explain why one is more likely than the other.

• After reviewing recent research studies, readings in your textbook, and other academic sources, provide a thorough description of the following:
o The symptoms required for a diagnosis of that disorder
o At least two possible causes of that disorder, incorporating at least one developmental factor and at least one multicultural factor that may be involved in the cause(s) of the disorder
o At least three of the most effective treatments available for that disorder
o At least one controversy, cultural bias, or ethical issue related to treatments available for that disorder
o At least one controversy, cultural bias, or ethical issue related to the practice of diagnosis or "labeling" children, in general.

Reference no: EM13882453

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