Reference no: EM132332078
Assigned Orthopedic Condition:
1. What population is this condition typically found in?
a. Males/Females
b. Ages
c. Prevalence & Incidence
2. How does the condition typically occur? What is the mechanism of injury? Specifically, what happens and what types of trauma or disease processes cause it?
3. What anatomical structures are involved?
4. What medical interventions (NOT PT) are required?
a. Surgery? Medicine? Imaging?
5. What precautions or contraindications must the PTA be aware of during the patient's medical treatment and/or during recovery?
a. List all that apply
6. What is the typical time frame for patient full recovery OR how long following medical intervention until the patient is considered able to return to full functional abilities (or return to sport)?
a. Weeks? Months? Years? Never? Give the number range
7. What types of PT interventions are typically used to treat the condition during the:
a. acute phase
b. subacute phase
c. chronic or full function phase
8. Are there any recommended PT interventions that do not fall under the PTA's scope of work? Or are there any recommended PT interventions that the PTA can do but only with additional training (like a continuing education training program)
a. Acupuncture/dry needling, sharp debridement, manipulation under anesthesia, grades 3+ joint mobilizations, etc.
b. Graston/IASTM, Kinesiotaping, Laser, BFR, etc.
9. Create an example daily treatment plan for the patient 3 weeks following injury/medical intervention based on information found during your research.
Attachment:- Herniated Nucleus Pulposus.rar