Assessment of the organisations dynamic capability

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM132219935

Business Portfolio and Dynamic Capability Slide Presentation

Assessment Description

You are required to review an organisation case study including statistical information on business unit performance and current market conditions.

The case study will also include information regarding the organisation's current capacity to respond effectively to change.

You must then prepare a Business Portfolio and Dynamic Capability Slide Presentation using the following headings:

A. Business Portfolio Analysis

Plot each business unit on a BCG matrix, GE-McKinsey matrix, and Synergy matrix.

B. Business Portfolio Recommendations

Provide recommendations to the organisation for the strategic management of each business unit with explanations for each recommendation.

C. Dynamic Capability Analysis

Prepare an assessment of the organisation's dynamic capability including its capacity to:
1. Identify and assess opportunities
2. Mobilise resources
3. Transform and reconfigure strategic assets

D. Dynamic Capability Recommendations

Provide recommendations to the organisation for enhancing overall dynamic capability with explanations for each recommendation.

Important Points to consider

o Should not go beyond 25 slides.

o Slide/s should be allocated for references - these slides will not be considered in the slide count (25).

o Incorporate journal articles, prescribed text, other books, etc. into the analysis.

o You are not expected to research the different industries mentioned in the case study. The focus should be on researching, analysing, and applying portfolio management and dynamic capability related theories, concepts, and scholarly views.

o Concepts relevant for this assignment will be in workshops 7 and 8.

o Need to use the notes pane to explain the points/ analysis indicated in the slides. The write up in the notes pane should not exceed 150 words per slide. Use the notes pane only when it is necessary.

Verified Expert

This file has been helpful in providing notes on the importance of portfolio management. Analysis of the same has been able to provide insight on the organizational capability of MHS. On the other hand, this study has been useful in developing knowledge regarding dynamic capabilities of the same organization to stand out against the changing business environment. Additionally, it has been proved that connecting the internal organizational capabilities with the external ones could help organizations to develop their business operations in an international scale.

Reference no: EM132219935

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1/21/2019 1:23:37 AM

Structure (6) Adherence to KBS referencing guidelines and slide construction skills; amount of text, logical use of images, colour schemes, fonts, use of slide space, notes pane, and professional feel to slides. No structure to the assessment. The Slides are text-heavy, busy, and audience unfriendly (colour schemes, fonts, layout, efficient use of slide space, etc.). Non-adherence to KBS referencing guidelines. Followed KBS referencing guidelines sufficiently. Slides are reasonably professional; somewhat text-heavy, busy but audience-friendly. Utilised the notes pane adequately. Followed KBS referencing conventions sufficiently. Slides are good; sufficient amount of text, used slide space efficiently, colour schemes, fonts, etc. Utilised the notes pane adequately. Good slide construction skills. The right amount of text supported by notes in the notes pane. The slide deck is audience-friendly. Followed KBS referencing conventions well. Audience friendly slide deck with very good slide construction skills.


1/21/2019 1:22:58 AM

Dynamic Capability recommendations (5) Sound recommendations with justification Recommendations are missing or insufficient justification. Recommendations are very general in nature. Insufficient justification. Some evidence of research. Sufficient indication of the recommendations. Provided adequate justification and some literature support. Recommendations are in line with the analysis. Provided sound justification for the recommendations. Integrated journal articles, prescribed text, other books, verified websites, etc. to some extent in the justification. Comprehensive recommendations covering multiple aspects. Provided very good justification. Evidence of extensive research and analysis: journals, prescribed text, other books, verified websites, etc.


1/21/2019 1:22:51 AM

Dynamic Capability analysis (7) Understanding and integration of Dynamic Capability concepts/literature into the analysis Insufficient understanding of dynamic capability related concepts. No evidence of research. Basic understanding of dynamic capability related concepts but limited application. Some evidence of research but the analysis is superficial. Sufficient integration of dynamic capability related concepts. Applied the concepts to the case study company adequately and integrated literature into the analysis. Demonstrated a good understanding of dynamic capability related concepts. Integrated journal articles, prescribed text, other books, verified websites, etc. into the analysis and applied the concepts well. Demonstrated a very good understanding of dynamic capability related concepts. Presented arguments based on journal articles, prescribed text, other books, verified websites, etc. Comprehensive application of concepts.


1/21/2019 1:22:46 AM

Business Portfolio recommendations (5) Integration of literature and justification Insufficient justification of recommendations. Basic recommendations and insufficient justification. Some evidence of research. Sufficient indication of recommendations. Provided adequate justification and some literature support. Recommendations are in line with the analysis. Provided sound justification for the recommendations. Integrated journal articles, prescribed text, other books, verified websites, etc. to some extent. Comprehensive recommendations are covering multiple aspects. Provided very good justification. Evidence of extensive research and analysis: journals, prescribed text, other books, verified websites, etc.


1/21/2019 1:22:40 AM

Criteria Fail below 50% Pass 50% - 64% Credit 65%– 74% Distinction 75%-84% High Distinction over 85% Business Portfolio analysis (7) Understanding of concepts and appropriate plotting of companies Weak understanding of portfolio management related concepts and incorrect plotting of companies Basic understanding of Portfolio management concepts. Plotted the companies correctly to some extent but the analysis is incomplete or lacks depth. Demonstrated an adequate understanding of portfolio concepts and sufficient application. Plotted the companies correctly and justified the analysis with some literature integration. Good understanding of portfolio management related concepts. Correctly plotted the companies and provided an extensive analysis by justifying and integrating journal articles, prescribed text, other books, verified websites, etc. Demonstrated a very good understanding of Portfolio management related concepts. Comprehensive analysis with a significant number of scholarly views and literature integrated into the analysis.


1/21/2019 1:22:30 AM

o Need to use the notes pane to explain the points/ analysis indicated in the slides. The write up in the notes pane should not exceed 150 words per slide. Use the notes pane only when it is necessary. o A sample slide template (structure and key slides) will be shared with the case study. o Study the attached assessment rubric carefully. o Watch the assignment briefing webinar conducted by the Subject Coordinator – refer subject welcome message from the Coordinator for the date and time.


1/21/2019 1:22:25 AM

Important Points to consider o Should not go beyond 25 slides. o Slide/s should be allocated for references – these slides will not be considered in the slide count (25). o Incorporate journal articles, prescribed text, other books, etc. into the analysis. o You are not expected to research the different industries mentioned in the case study. The focus should be on researching, analysing, and applying portfolio management and dynamic capability related theories, concepts, and scholarly views. o Concepts relevant for this assignment will be in workshops 7 and 8.

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