Reference no: EM132928791
Question 1
A survey of Australian employees' attitudes towards performance management in the workplace found that while the majority of employees were provided with performance feedback at least once a year, most thought that their performance review had little or no obvious connection to their organisation's corporate strategies and held little benefit for them personally.
Discuss this statement, including the identification of some of the reasons for this assessment of performance management in the workplace in Australia and its impact in relation to organisational performance.
Question 2
Given the significant financial and human costs associated with accidents, injuries, and work-related stress it has been suggested that workplace health and safety provides an ideal opportunity for HR professionals to increase their profile in their organization. However, this may come at the expense of creating a tension with line managers who, in theory, have the primary responsibility for the workplace health and safety of their staff.
Discuss this statement from the perspective of two different stakeholders (HR professionals, the top management team, line-managers, unions, employees).
Question 3
Discuss each of the following aspects (the negotiation relationship, negotiation style, the stages of negotiation and tactics in negotiation) in the context of how management should approach bargaining for a new enterprise agreement where they are dealing with a militant union that has a strong relationship with its members.
Question 4
It is clear that the Australian population is ageing, meaning that many older employees with experience and expertise are likely to leave their organisations within the next decades, over the next few years.
Discuss this statement and what governments, companies and HR professionals can do in order to effectively address the looming labour shortage.