Assess your progress and skills with qualitative reasoning

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Reference no: EM13822183

As a researcher, you must understand that the body of knowledge the world uses to reason and analyze phenomena is always changing. There are always places to improve upon, refine, and add to the knowledge in your discipline. Likewise, your own skills and knowledge follow the same pattern. The skills you have acquired through this course are only the foundation of a very complex field. Even an experienced qualitative researcher knows that being able to identify where one still needs improvement and how to obtain additional skills is an important step toward continuously becoming a well-rounded researcher.

To prepare for this Application:

  • Assess your progress and skills with qualitative reasoning and analysis. Where do you still need to improve, and what is your plan for improving those skills?
  • Consider what role this course has played in helping you determine a dissertation topic approach. Has your original topic and approach changed? Why? How?
  • To what extent has using a software package informed your understanding of research in general? How has it informed you about how to read the findings of a research article?
  • Think about how this course fits into your residency requirements. Are you on track? Have you registered for your next residency?

Reference no: EM13822183

Questions Cloud

Discuss the cultural or traditional issues : Discuss the cultural or traditional issues that could arise at this time.  Consider how the integration of alternative and complementary medicine and beliefs, mainstream medical practices, and cultural/traditional rituals and practices might creat..
Is there a chronic shortage of nurses in the united states : Is there a chronic shortage of nurses in the United States? Explain this both from an economist's and a health planner's perspective
Steps to successful breast feeding : A maternity facility can be designated "baby friendly" when it has implemented the specified ten steps to successful breast feeding.
Describe the importance of self-awareness and self-concept : Describe the importance of self-awareness, self-concept, and emotional intelligence and the role they play in enabling effective leadership.
Assess your progress and skills with qualitative reasoning : Assess your progress and skills with qualitative reasoning and analysis. Where do you still need to improve, and what is your plan for improving those skills
Conduct an interview with an experienced nurse educator : Conduct an interview with an experienced nurse educator either in a hospital or college setting. Your interview may be conducted face-to-face, online, or by telephone.
Describe the key concepts of risk and quality management : Describe the purpose of risk and quality management in health care organizations in general and in your chosen organization and describe the key concepts of risk and quality management in your chosen organization.
Identify impacts associated with agriculture : Identify impacts associated with agriculture. Identify and discuss the effects a growing human population may have on that ecosystem's resources, including loss or harm to populations of wild species.
Issues in modern american policing : Issues in Modern American Policing


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