Assess the supreme court majority decision

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Reference no: EM131068028


In Texas Housing Authority vs. Inclusive Communities (576 U. S. ____ (2015)), the Supreme Court relied on Griggs vs. Duke Power Co. (401 U.S. 424 (1971)) to hold that the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs policy of allocation of housing tax credits was discriminatory in its impact. Why did the Griggs rule that the state has a duty to remove "artificial, arbitrary, and unnecessary barriers" show or not show that the Texas Housing Authority's policy was discriminatory in its impact?


This assignment requires you to explicate and critically assess the Supreme Court's majority decision in Texas Housing Authority. This means you must lay out the Court's argument for its conclusion and explain why you think the Court's reasoning in Griggs supports or does not support the reasoning in this cases. Was the Texas Housing Authority imposing artificial, arbitrary, or unnecessary barriers to equal housing? Make sure that you have read and fully understood the Court's judgment.

This is an argumentative essay. You must make sure to support your conclusions with citations from the text, and support your own evaluation with arguments and evidence. You must provide data for your empirical claims. You are welcome to do further research in support of your arguments, but you don't need to if it is unnecessary for your claims. You must make sure to fully cite all of your material.

Reference no: EM131068028

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