Assess the risk of crisis situations occurring

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Reference no: EM132333871

Work with Families, carers and Individuals During Times of Crisis

Unit summary

This unit is aimed at health and social care workers working with individuals and their carers and families in times of crisis, to assess the urgency of requests for action, take and review the effectiveness of actions to meet needs and agree risk management strategies.

Learning outcomes Assessment

1 Understand relevant legislation, policy and practice when working with individuals, carers and families in times of crisis

1.1 Describe current legislation relevant to risk assessment and risk management

1.2 Describe legislation, policy and practice relating to the recording, storing and sharing of information by a service provider

1.3 Explain the different types of support and intervention available to individuals, carers and families in times of crisis

1.4 Explain the factors that influence the kinds of support offered

2 Be able to develop risk management strategies when working with individuals, carers and families in times of crisis

2.1 Assess the risk of crisis situations occurring

2.2 Encourage the participation of individuals, carers and families during the agreement and review of a risk management strategy

2.3 Provide opportunities for individuals, carers and families to contribute to the identification and agreement of a risk management strategy

2.4 Formulate a risk management strategy using risk assessments

2.5 Ensure that activities, roles and responsibilities within a risk management strategy are agreed, clarified and understood by all parties

2.6 Complete documentation in line with agreed ways of working

3 Be able to respond during times of crisis

3.1 Evaluate the seriousness and urgency of a request for action

3.2 Work with families, carers and individuals to agree the response to a crisis situation

3.3 Record and communicate the agreed actions

3.4 Implement agreed actions promptly in line with agreed ways of working

4 Be able to review the outcomes of requests for action during times of crisis

4.1 Explain how to conduct a valid, reliable and comprehensive review

4.2 Review outcomes of actions taken and decisions made

4.3 Analyse the results of the review to inform future risk management strategies and actions to be taken

Reference no: EM132333871

Questions Cloud

Identify methods for raising awareness of sensory loss : SS 5.2-M/601/5249-Promote Awareness of Sensory Loss-Pearson Edexcel Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People.
Why engagement in education opportunities can have impact : SS 3.7-H/601/3546-Support Individuals to Access Education, Training or Employment-Pearson Edexcel Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care.
Why important to ensure proper exchange of electronic data : Why is it important to ensure proper exchange of electronic data? What are the consequences if not followed properly? Provide examples. The response must.
Define the term challenging behaviour : HSC 3065-T/601/9738-Implement the Positive Behavioural Support Model-Pearson Edexcel Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children.
Assess the risk of crisis situations occurring : HSC 3057-F/601/9029-Work with Families, carers and Individuals During Times of Crisis-Pearson Edexcel Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care.
Explain reasons why given practice is important and best : Locate one peer reviewed evidence-based article that describes a "best practice" being used in delivering client centered care and promoting health.
Describe the most important things you have learned : Summarize your practicum experience and describe the most important things you have learned. No research citations are required for this discussion question.
What role do you envision yourself having in public health : What role do you envision yourself having in public health? What are three steps you will take to build your public health career? No research citations.
Define relationship among various levels of government : Cite the relationship among various levels of government (local, state, federal) and how nursing practice is influenced by the policies and politics currently.


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