Assess the leadership interpersonal skills and earned

Assignment Help Other Management
Reference no: EM13584079

Your company has just announced that a new formal performance evaluation system will be used (effective immediately). One of your supervisor's anniversary date is coming up and the human resources (HR) manager has asked you not only to rate this supervisor but to develop a grading form to use for her and other supervisors.

Assess the leadership, interpersonal skills, and earned values on other areas of concentration you deem necessary to rate the overall performance of any supervisor you have worked with, observed, know of, worked for, been supervised by, or supervised. Include your objective reasoning for each assigned grade with an explanation of one or more sentences.

For example, on a scale of 1-9 (superior performance), you rate the supervisor as a 4; your explanation might be as follows:

Rarely held department meetings

Poor verbal communication skills

Uses foul language when counseling employees

200 words, reference list plus in text citation

Reference no: EM13584079

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