Assess the issues associated with a specific emerging techno

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13137845

research paper:-The primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emerging technology. The team will produce a formal research paper in APA format, with each team member contributing 10 pages of text. It can just be nine pages of actually essay with another page of references, which I will need and has to be at least five in APA format. With my part of the project outline is: 
Psychological and Sociological Concerns
a. Human health
b. Costs
1. How to measure usage
2. Should it be free?
Moral and Ethical Concerns
a. Fears
1. Safety
2. Use as a weapon
b. Drivers of the wireless electricity
1. Military
2. Private companies  

Reference no: EM13137845

Questions Cloud

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Assess the issues associated with a specific emerging techno : research paper:-The primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emerging technology.
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