Reference no: EM132731392
Assignment: The LEGO Group, The Global Pharmaceutical industry, Vodafone, Global forces and the western European brewing industry, H&M fashior, Formula One constructors, Manchester United FC, Apple Inc.
Your paper analysis should be between 3 - 5 pages, not counting the title and reference page. No submission should be fewer than 1050 words.
Include a clear and concise introduction.
Format your case study assignment paper so that the three questions asked below are clearly defined. Double space your work, cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. If you use any quotes, you must increase the length of your paper to compensate. Make sure you have two additional references other than the text and use citations.
This case study analysis will be based on The LEGO Group, The Global Pharmaceutical industry, Vodafone, Global forces and the western European brewing industry, H&M fashion, Formula One constructors, Manchester United FC, Apple Inc. . You are to pick ONE (1) of the companies from your text. Choose a company different from the company you used for the week five paper. You may not have two papers about the same company. You may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class. Name your selection on your title page.
No abstract is required.
Read the case study and answer the following questions in your paper.
1. Assess the effectiveness of your company's leadership.
2. Discuss the basis of your company's competitive advantage and the potential challenges to its strategy.
3. What growth strategies might your company pursue?
Submit your paper into the assignment section of the classroom.
Font and Spacing - Use Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines.
Length - Write a 3 to 5 page analysis not including the title page and citation page. No fewer than 1050 words!
Reference Page - Include all sources including your textbook on a Reference page
Utilize the APA Style for documenting sources. You will need to include at least 2 sources in addition to your text. Finally, remember Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly source.
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