Assess the current organizational structure

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133572032

Homework: Human Resource Management


Using the same scenario from Identifying the Organizational Learning Issue, you realize that transitioning your organization to a learning environment may not be as easy as first imagined. You have encountered several resistance issues relating to the culture, psychological learning, organization structure, workforce commitment, and dissemination of knowledge. You decide to gather a decision-making team to assist in identifying the high or moderate resistance risks that may stop or slow down the process of this transition. The decision-making team must also recommend some mitigation intervention to lower the identified resistance risks to either moderate or low. For example, a high resistance risk can become moderate or low, and a moderate resistance risk can become low.

Your product will be a table that identifies five issues related to the organization's culture, psychological learning, organization structure, workforce commitment, and dissemination of knowledge. You must also provide a description of each resistance issue and rate the resistance risk before the mitigation intervention as either High (H) or Moderate (M). Then, you must provide a description of your team's mitigation intervention and determine the resistance risk's downgrade from High (H) to Moderate (M) or Low (L) and/or Moderate (M) to Low (L) after the mitigation intervention.


Create a table in which you:

Question I. Determine one challenge in the culture that may cause a major resistance to the transition from individual learning to organizational learning. Next, recommend one mitigation intervention to downgrade the identified resistance in your table. Provide a rationale for your selected mitigation intervention.

Question II. Predict one psychological learning threat that may result from the transition and then provide one mitigation intervention to downgrade the identified resistance in your table. Provide a rationale for your selected mitigation intervention.

Question III. Assess the current organizational structure as it relates to the free flow of knowledge, then specify one issue that may cause major resistance to the transition. Provide one mitigation intervention to downgrade the identified resistance in your table. Provide a rationale for your selected mitigation intervention.

Question IV. Critique the workforce commitment to this transition and predict one major resistance you may encounter. Next, provide a mitigation intervention to downgrade the identified resistance in your table. Provide a rationale for your selected mitigation intervention.

Question V. Propose one dissemination of knowledge issue with the recipients' ability to absorb the knowledge and comprehend it into action (that is, motivating the recipient to share knowledge). Next, provide one mitigation intervention to downgrade the identified resistance in your table. Provide a rationale for your selected mitigation intervention.

Question VI. Use at least two quality academic references in this homework.?Note:?Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this homework is:

I. Create a table to identify transition resistance risks and an intervention to mitigate each.

Reference no: EM133572032

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