Assess the current market value of play zone factory land

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133369713


Adam graduated from Western Sydney University with a Master of Professional Accounting and now works as an accountant for an accounting business, Summerton Accountants Pty Ltd. Bianca, who has a successful toy manufacturing business, is in negotiations to possibly buy a competing toy manufacturing business, Play Zone Pty Ltd, that is up for sale, to expand her existing business. She engages Summerton Accountants to assess Play Zone's financial situation. Adam is handed the project and starts by obtaining copies of Play Zone's business accounts and financial statements.

After discussing with the head of the firm, he hires Veronica, a land valuer the company sometimes uses, to assess the current market value of Play Zone's factory land and buildings. Veronica completes her valuation report valuing the property at $310,000. Adam finalises his financial report. However, due to a typing error, Adam's report states that the property value is $410,000. After getting 'sign off' from his supervisor, he sends a copy of his report to Bianca with Veronica's report attached.

Bianca later buys Play Zone's business but then discovers the error in Adam's report. Bianca is very unhappy.

Advise the various parties on their legal rights and liabilities, including possible remedies, referring to any relevant cases and legislation Please use the Issue, application and conclusion method (ie, Issue, Law, Application and Conclusion) to answer the assignment questions.

Reference no: EM133369713

Questions Cloud

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