Assess managing diversity in the workplace

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131689152

Purpose of Assignment

The business environment is continuously evolving with the integration of new management trends developed to create opportunity and respond to challenges. Innovation often challenges the status quo of organizations and change agents in an organization must become intrapreneurs to meet those challenges.

You have been tasked to communicate to the VP of Human Resources about the need to prepare current staff for a more diverse workforce as a result of opening a new office in Miami, FL. This geographical area is known for its cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity in comparison to the company's office in Topeka, KS.

Assignment Steps

Prepare a 10-13 minute oral presentation with accompanying visual aids analyzing the relationship between these concepts or topics:

Analyze the role of innovation in executing change strategies.

Assess managing diversity in the workplace.

Examine how technology facilitates the implementation of change in today's workforce.

Explain how the workforce in the company will benefit from welcoming an inclusive and more diverse group of coworkers.

Explain the benefits and the opportunity that a more diverse workforce will create.

Include at least five peer-reviewed references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131689152

Questions Cloud

Define additional information of the survey : Only 10% of Americans rated their financial situation as excellent, according to a Gallup Poll taken April 10 13, 2006.
Describe the circumstances involved and the results : Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word article summary about a recent data breach or computer fraud at an organization to include the following:
What is the new-new approach to starting a new venture : What is the new-new approach to starting a new venture. How does this approach differ from a new-old approach
Explain most important strategic issues facing organization : Explain the most important strategic issues facing the organization or business unit. Analysis of company value proposition and competitive advantage.
Assess managing diversity in the workplace : Analyze the role of innovation in executing change strategies. Assess managing diversity in the workplace.
Discuss business ideas an entrepreneur can venture in : Discuss any four BEST Business IDEAS an entrepreneur can venture in. Give a detailed account of your answer and propose the BEST
What law will the court apply : What law will the court apply?In most states, what will result? How could this dispute have been avoided in the first place?
Formulate the rate of arrival of autos : Autos arrive at a tollplaza located at the entrance to a bridge at the rate of 50 per minute during the 5:00 6:00 p.m. hour.
How has this enhanced facebook into making a mammoth profit : The social media network has a large amount of data on its users, including unique information about people's daily lives including where


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