Assess helpful the management organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133292717


Using the theories and concepts from the management organization class, reflect on the lessons learned and how how any four of the topics below made you a better person, ie a better wife, a batter manager, a better communicator. Note to use the theories and practical scenarios in your discussion. This assigment is to assess how helpful the management organization course has been and how it has improved on your in certain arrears.

The topics include;

Approaches to Management: The Classical School/ Scientific Management

  • The Human Relations Movement/Approach
  • Motivation
  • Organizational Structure and Design
  • Organizational Culture
  • Decision Making and Power
  • Personality
  • Teams and Groups
  • Leadership
  • Perception
  • Communication

Reference no: EM133292717

Questions Cloud

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Assess helpful the management organization : This assigment is to assess how helpful the management organization course has been and how it has improved on your in certain arrears.
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Evaluate general electrics decision to hire : How would you evaluate General Electric's decision to hire an individual with a marketing background to lead the company's recruiting efforts?


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