Assess environmental impacts of large dam creation projects

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Reference no: EM133728481


Let's discuss these massive dam projects...

In light of what you've learned in Module 5 about the benefits and impacts of large dams, and the fact that increased water and energy demand in developing nations is likely to drive new dam building. As you answer these questions think about the readings you just did on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (see above). Ethiopia built a dam because it needs to generate more energy for its country, while Sudan and Egypt and worried about the flow of water down the Nile...

Do you think that there should be an international task force to help assess social/environmental impacts of large dam creation projects (like the Ethiopian Dam) and to influence or even restrict them? Alternatively, do you think countries should be able to build unrestricted and with their own impact assessments?

Some nations have already reaped the benefits of industrialization and development (USA, Canada, England, etc.) and learned many +/- lessons along the way. What should their roll be as they watch as other nations like Ethiopia say, build dams? Should they stand back and do nothing, provide aid, advise, collaborate, mediate?

Justify your position using examples from the module, book, readings/video, or your independent research. Be sure to provide citation information.

Reference no: EM133728481

Questions Cloud

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Assess environmental impacts of large dam creation projects : Do you think that there should be an international task force to help assess social/environmental impacts of large dam creation projects (like Ethiopian Dam).
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