Assess data communication and networking options

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13922461

Unit 5 Assignment

Outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Unit Outcome:

Analyze the concept of clusters and distributed computing.

Course Outcome:

IT332-4: Assess data communication and networking options for a computer system.

Assignment Instructions:

The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at ABC Widgets just returned from a technology conference where he heard about computer clusters.

All he knows is that they are the big thing for businesses and he wants to explore the technology. He has asked you to help.

Write a 5-page research essay explaining computer clustering, benefits, challenges, and potential applications.

The essay should focus on one type of clustering application (file server, database, load balancing,

Web hosting, or data processing) and detail the use, potential setup (high availability or load balancing), type (COTS versus blade clusters) and network connectivity. Be sure that your paper has an introduction and a conclusion.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Compose your Assignment in a Word document, including screen shots as appropriate, and save it as IT332_YourName_Unit_5 and submit it to the Dropbox for Unit 5.

Assignment Requirements:

Your essay should be 5 pages of content presenting an explanation of computer clustering, benefits, challenges, and potential applications.

The minimum concepts to cover and explain in the essay are clusters, high availability, load balancing, COTS versus blade clusters, and network connectivity for computers in a cluster.

Your paper should conform to the APA style and hence will be longer because, of course, you will include a title page, abstract, table of contents, and a references page in addition to the actual content pages required.

Written Assignment Requirements:

Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor's discretion.

Please be sure to download the file "Writing Center Resources" from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations.

Review the grading rubric below before beginning this Activity.

Assignment Grading Rubric

Assignment Requirements

Points Possible

Points Earned

1. Examined the concept of clusters and provided well documented explanation.


2. Examined and explained the use of clusters to provide high availability and load balancing.


3. Examined computer clustering benefits, challenges, and potential applications.


4. Demonstrated understanding of the cluster technologies and provided good arguments and explanations to back up

assertions and points.


Column Total


Less deduction taken for spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Plagiarism is totally unacceptable.

New total after deductions

Reference no: EM13922461

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