Assess challenges for a domestic company marketing globally

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132797799

Assignment: Course Objective: This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

• Analyze data sources and uses in the local, national, and global marketplaces.

• Assess challenges for a domestic company marketing globally.

Instructions: You and your brother in law, Joe Bombolini, are the owners of the newly established Pizza Suprema located in Clearwater, Florida, that has several branches, most of them located on the busy US 41 Highway North. Clearwater has a local population of 120, 000 but during the winter period, such population doubles due to the tourists and seasonal residents.

The demographic characteristics of the local residents are almost equally distributed between young and old, but the seasonal residents are practically all old. Tourists are mainly young with families.

You and your brother in law need to produce viable data on the following elements:

1. Why type of advertisements you are going to use for old and young permanent residents, tourists, and seasonal residents.

2. What key messages you need to include for each of the demographic classifications listed above.

3. What percentage of your budget you are going to use for attracting all of the above demographic classifications.

4. Since there is a huge number of restaurants in the area where your branches are located, consider the possibility of providing such restaurants with the kinds of pizza they want.

5. Also consider providing pizzas to a large number of business organizations in the area, most of which are service, like banks, car dealerships, or department stores, including large shopping centers

Submit: You must prepare a written work where you respond to the case scenario. The work must comply with APA academic writing standards. You must support your answer using appropriate sources (at least 5 references) that are properly cited. The paper will be approximately 5 pages in length.

Reference no: EM132797799

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