Assess and plot john growth status

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133344580

Case Study: Mrs. Lee brings her two children, John, age 6, and rick, age 3, to the clinic for a routine physical examination and immunizations. At the last visit 8 months ago, Rick had fallen from his normal growth curve for both height and weight. He seemed healthy otherwise. Therefore, the physician noted this change and requested a follow-up appointment to measure John weight and height in 2 months. Mrs. Lee has not kept her last 3 appointments.

Present Visit: John

Ht: 111 cm (10th percentile)

Wt: 18 kg (5th percentile)

Lab data: none ordered

Physical Exam: Normal


Ht: 89 cm (5th percentile)

Wt: 12.5 kg (5th percentile)

Lab data: none ordered

Physical Exam: Normal

Dr. Jones referred Mrs. Lee to you for nutrition counseling. The following information was obtained from the nutrition history:

Both boys' diets were inadequate in meat and milk based on the Food Guide Pyramid.

There are 6 people in the household: Mrs. Lee, John, Rick, a disabled grandmother

(blind), an 18 year old aunt, and a 16 year old aunt.

Mrs. Brown works Monday through Friday (30 hours/week) as a house cleaner.

John receives school lunch.

Rick is cared for by a neighbor. Mrs. Lee sends breakfast and lunch.

Mrs. Lee is 3 months pregnant.

The grandmother receives SNAP.

Mrs. Lee has never applied for Aid to Families with Dependent Children or SNAP.


1. Assess and plot John growth status. Support your answer.

2. Assess and plot Rick growth status. Support your answer.

3. What additional information would assist you in your assessments? Be cost-effective.

4. Name and describe assistance programs for which this family is eligible.

5. Identify and prioritize nutrition counseling goals.

6. Formulate a nutrition care plan for follow-up and referral.

Reference no: EM133344580

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