Assess a recommendation for better communication

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131623325

Part I

Question 1 (350 words)

Define direct marketing. Does direct marketing help with relationship marketing? How does direct marketing supply an organization's integrated marketing communications plan? Support your position. Incorporate concepts and examples from the attached lecture.

Question 2 (350 words)

How do electronic and Internet marketing support the IMC objectives? List the types of electronic marketing you would use if you were trying to target members of the Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z. The approximate dates of the generations are listed below:

1946-1964 Baby Boomers

1965-1983 Gen X or the Busters

1984-2002 Gen Y or the Millennials

2003 - Current Gen Z or the Digital Generation

Part II

4 pages, APA format. 3 Sources-including the provided text

You have been assigned the task as Marketing Manager to scan social media web sites and try to mitigate the negative consumer postings from a recent crisis.

Explain how organizations use social media to communicate with their consumers through a crisis and evaluate how the negative comments were handled by the organizations. Assess a recommendation for better communication and explain why


Chapter 8 and 9
Ogden, J. R., & Ogden, D. T. (2014). Integrated marketing communications: Advertising, public relations, and more [Electronic version].
And Hall. J. (2017, February 15). How to target three generations with social marketing, not stereotypes.

Reference no: EM131623325

Questions Cloud

Achieve the objectives of the firm : Logistics refers to the firm's use of resources to achieve the objectives of the firm.
How can you build and maintain an ethical culture : How can you build and maintain an ethical culture? Discuss how national culture affects organizational culture?
Explain external administration you are advocating : The party you are advising is able to initiate the form of external administration you are advocating
Effectively to punishment or encouragement : Do you believe that employees respond most effectively to punishment or encouragement? Which has the greatest effect on productivity, in your opinion?
Assess a recommendation for better communication : How do electronic and Internet marketing support the IMC objectives? List the types of electronic marketing you would use.
Determine the finance charge and the new balance : Mary Lawson has a credit card account with an annual percentage rate of 18.24%. The unpaid balance for her November billing cycle is $783.56.
Describing an informal learning experience : Describing an informal learning experience you have had. You may describe, for example, how you became afraid of heights, why a particular food
Explain which form is easier for you to use and state why : Consider past assignments you have done for school using academic and expressive writing. Explain which form is easier for you to use and state why.
Case study - myob account : Case Study - MYOB Account - business has elected to use accrual basis of accounting for both accounting and GST purposes


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