Assembly program to translate an input number to its binary

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM131109596

(4_1) submit this hw by "./submit lastname4_1.s hw4_1" Write a program to find and print a factorial numbers:

fac(l) = 1, fac(n) = fac(n 1) * n (it 2) Your program should prompt the user to enter a number n and print out the sequence: 

f ac(1), fac(2),.., fac(n). Your program should repeatedly prompts the user for retry.

Here is what the user will see when the program is executed:

This program prints the factorial sequence:

Enter a number: 5

1 2 6 24 120

Would you like to try again(Y/N):Y

Enter a number: 3 126

 Would you like to try again(Y/N):

(5)Write an assembly program to translate an input number to its binary represen­tation. Your program should repeatedly prompts the user for an input and display the input in binary form, until the user chooses to quit.

Note: For positive number, do not show leading zeros..

Here is what the user will see when the program is executed:

This Program prints the binary equivalent of a decimal number

Please enter a number:78

Binary number = 1001110

Would you like to try again(Y/N):Y

Please enter a number: 78

Binary number = 11111111111111111111111110110010

Would you like to try again (Y/N):

Reference no: EM131109596

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