Assembling two different types of television sets

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133506317


A manufacturer has production facilities for assembling two different types of television sets. These facilities can be used to assemble both black and white and coloured sets. At the present time the firm is producing only one model of each type of set. The black and white set contributes Rs. 150 towards profit while a coloured set contributes Rs. 450 towards profit. The number of coloured television sets manufactured everyday cannot exceed 50 as the number of coloured picture tubes available everyday is 50. Each black and white set requires 6 man-hours of chassis assembly time, whereas each coloured set requires 18 man hours. The daily available man hours for the chassis assembly line is 1800. A black and white set must spend one man hour on the set assembly line whereas a coloured set must spend 1.6 man hours on the set assembly line. The daily available man hours on this line is 240. A black and white television set requires 0.5 man hours of testing- and final inspection whereas a coloured set requires 2 man hours. The total available man hours per day for testing and inspection is 162.

Formulate and solve the problem using simplex method so that the profit is maximized.

Reference no: EM133506317

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