Aspects of planned new venture

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133103444

During the past 3 weeks, you have articulated several aspects of your planned new venture. Compile all of your writing and research, and put it into a business plan wireframe. The framework should include the following sections:

  • Mission statement (based on your Phase 2 IP)
  • Vision statement (based on your Phase 2 IP)
  • The product or service (based on your Phase 2 DB)
  • Market opportunity (based on your Phase 3 IP)
  • Competitive environment (based on your Phase 3 IP)

Add the following sections to your plan:

  • Statement of ethics
  • Statement of social responsibility

Reference no: EM133103444

Questions Cloud

Develop benefit sales packages : For the sales force, there are three alternatives when companies develop their benefit sales packages:
What are the essentials elements of a contract : What is a contract? What are the essentials elements of a contract? How contracts are interpreted? How contracts are formed
Process between management and employees : Why does empathy matter in the communication process between management and employees?
Describe the type of customer interactions : As customers, students, patients, taxpayers, and citizens, we are surrounded by information systems that support customer interactions .Identify and describe tw
Aspects of planned new venture : Compile all of your writing and research, and put it into a business plan wireframe. The framework should include the following sections:
Analysis on the effectiveness of the leadership : An analysis on the effectiveness of the leadership model the company is currently using
Discussing the changes in demographics : Prepare a 3-4 page paper discussing the changes in demographics, today's aging population, and the impact of both on the long-term care system.
Determine the company current ratio : Question - National Company's working capital is P11,000 and its current liabilities are P84,000. Determine the company's current ratio
Event planning and conventions management : Eric took on the task of planning for a large two-day convention to host 400 attendees. He assigned the task of managing the catering to Raoul.


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