Aspects of network administration and support

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131652253


Students are reminded to read pages related to assessment rules including rules for dishonest work in the Department of Computer Science handbook.


The aim of this assignment is to report on your research on aspects of network administration and support.

Present your findings as a written report. Indicate the extent of your research by including a reference list.

When you submit the report, make sure it includes cover sheet and marking guide sheet. Expected length of the write up is 10 -15 pages.

Research materials: books and material in the library and the Internet.

Redundancy in Client / Server Networks

Services redundancy and fault tolerance are important issues in any network environment. Discuss the general concepts of redundancy in Client / Server environment for the essential services, namely DNS, DHCP and Domain, and how they can be achieved under Windows Client / Server networks.

Assignment hand-in instruction

Electronic submission of the assignment is required for ALL assignments through by due date.

Printed copy is to be handed to the lecturer at the beginning of the lecture in the week of the due date.

Assignments which are submitted up to one day late will be marked, but cannot achieve more than a C- (pass only) grade. Assignments handed in late will not be marked unless Special Assessment Circumstances apply, so it would be better to hand in an incomplete assignment on time.

Special Assessment Circumstances

Students who, due to circumstances beyond their control, miss a test, exam or an assignment deadline or consider their performance in a test, exam or assignment to have been adversely affected, should complete the form available from the School Administration Office.
Within any semester, a student may have only one SAC per course. When requesting an SAC for an assignment, the SAC must be submitted (along with work completed to date) within the time frame of the extension requested i.e. if the Doctor's Certificate is for one (1) day, then the SAC and work completed must be submitted within one (1) day.

Verified Expert

The report is prepared on the topic: Services redundancy and fault tolerance are important issues in any network environment. Discuss the general concepts of redundancy in Client / Server environment for the essential services, namely DNS, DHCP and Domain, and how they can be achieved under Windows Client / Server networks. The paper discusses about services redundancy and fault tolerence, DNS and DHCP and Domain. There concepts have been provided and general concepts of redundancyin client / server environment is discussed. The paper is prepared for 3300 words, excluding Title page, Content page and Bibliography. Bibliography is provided in IEEE format. Font: Times new roman, Size: 12 pt, double spaced.

Reference no: EM131652253

Questions Cloud

Discuss the process of federating a domain : Discuss the process of federating a domain to a cloud service. Discuss the advantages and possible disadvantages of this type of federation.
Probability of automobile glass is discarded : If the glass has a thickness that is more than 0.05 inch below the mean, it must be discarded for safety considerations.
Validate a field by comparing : What are some examples in which you would validate a field by comparing its value to another field, rather than to a constant?
What are some internal and external recruitment sources : Internal vs. External Recruitment Must post first. What are some internal and external recruitment sources?
Aspects of network administration and support : Report on your research on aspects of network administration and support - exam or assignment to have been adversely affected
Probability of next recorded violation occur in five minutes : A traffic control camera at a busy intersection records, on average, 5 traffic violations per hour. Assume that the random variable number of recorded traffic.
How prior research does support your hypothesis : Why it is important, and how prior research does or does not support your hypothesis
How can job description be used in the hiring process : Job Descriptions Must post first. How can a job description be used in the hiring process? Should a candidate for the position see this while interviewing?
Algorithm to determine for a list of characters : Write algorithm to determine for a list of characters whether or not it forms a palindrome (spelled the same either forward or backward).



12/26/2017 4:02:09 AM

please make it more professional and no plagiarism thanks. can you make it 11 pages.and i will pay ,please nasomar.pdf Overall, the assignment was well written. The expert did an excellent job helping people like me that struggle with work, kids, and college. Thank you so much!


9/21/2017 6:09:06 AM

Have a query? Want to improve your work? You could: Talk it over with your lecturer or programme director. Visit Te Puno Ako or Maia for learning advice and support. Visit the Centre for Pacific Development and Support. Contact USU Advocate for independent advice. For contact details and more information, go to (


9/21/2017 6:08:59 AM

NAS Written Assignment Marking Guide Task Items Marks Content 90% Introduction (overview/importance of the topic) 10 Description of the topic 20 Identification and discussion of the topic issues 40 Conclusion/summary 10 Extensive research, properly referenced 10 10 % Layout and formatting of report 10 Total 100

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