Aspects of needs analysis in bank of baroda

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Reference no: EM133137973

The Case Study: Training Needs Analysis at Bank of Baroda

It has been a long and eventful journey of almost a century across 21 countries. Starting at 1908 from a small building in Baroda to its new hi-rise and hi-tech Baroda Corporate centre in Mumbai is a saga of vision, enterprise, financial prudence and corporate governance.

Training interventions have a strong history since 1948 when a batch of young officers was sent to United Kingdom for training. The joint staff training college with bank of india at Mumbai was set up in 1962 for imparting training to officers in banking skills. The Bank of Baroda staff college at Ahmedabad was started in 1964 for training officers in banking and upgraded to conduct management development program with residential facilities in 1978. The N.M. Chokshi College for international banking and new financial services was started in Mumbai in 1989 for training officers in foreign exchange, international dealing and new financial services. The Bank of Baroda College for information Technology was started in 1999 at Baroda to impart advanced skills in the area of information technology. The first regional training centre was established at Baroda in 1970 to conduct job-oriented training programs for clerical and subordinate staff members and the bank now has twelve regional training centers spread across the country to handle the basic training courses.

The training needs are identified by analyzing the strategic (which challenges of the business have to be met through training), procedural (which training programs are required for efficient performance of given job roles), and employee perspectives (which training program should be given to whom).

Every year around April-May, a corporate level meeting is conveyed by the Chairman and Managing Director of the bank with the Zonal heads to discuss the training needs. Zonal heads for their part collect the information from their offices and branches about training needs and make a presentation. The Branch Managers identify the needs by discussing with employees, by referring to the employee performance appraisals by considering the audit and inspection reports by referring to the customer complaints, and by analyzing the business plans. The regional office compiles the said information and sends it to the zonal office.

The corporate strategic decisions are also shared with the zonal managers to understand the overall training needs of the Bank. All these exercises result in preparing a training calendar along with the types of programs to be conducted.

The training calendar is sent to all the regional offices and very large branches apart from other administrative offices.

There may be employees who for personal reasons like family commitments may not want to attend training programs in far-off places. For such employees the HR department of the region identifies the need to conduct locational programs at places which are nearest to them.

1. What, according to you, are the finer aspects of needs analysis in Bank of Baroda?

2. If you were to work as an HR manager in Bank of Baroda, how would you go about identifying the training needs?

3. HR managers sitting in regional office cannot understand the needs of the branches. Therefore, branch managers should be empowered to identify and nominate employees for training. Discuss giving your views in this case.

Reference no: EM133137973

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