Reference no: EM132913625
Pick 5 aspects listed below to discuss who are the local, State, Territory, or Commonwealth government authorities to regulate all businesses complying with them:
-Anti-discrimination, especially provisions for an equal employment opportunity (EEO) and harassment
-Australian Consumer Law (ACL) especially provisions for refunds, exchanges and cancellations, terms and conditions of quotations, and consumer contracts
-Employer superannuation contributions
-Environmental protection especially provisions for environmental hazard identification, use of minimal impact practices, and reporting of incidents
-Fair Work Act 2009, especially provisions for National Employment Standards (NES)
-Local community protection, especially provisions for land management and access and protecting the lifestyle of neighboring residents
-Public liability and duty of care
-Work health and safety
-Workers' compensation, especially provisions for injury reporting and occupational rehabilitation
Pick 3 aspects of legislation or regulation below. Discuss their primary objectives and how they fit in the hospitality industry.
-Copyright Act 1968
-Criminal Code Act 1995 as it relates to child sex offenses outside Australia
-Food safety
-Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991
-Liquor licensing, especially as it relates to the responsible service of alcohol
-Privacy Act 1988
-Queensland Tourism Services Act 2003
-Residential Tenancy Act
-Responsible conduct of gaming regulation
Pick 5 aspects listed below and discuss how do they apply in the hospitality business:
-Key practices that are prohibited by the law
-Auditing and inspection regimes
-Main consequences of non-compliance
-Need to apply for and maintain business or occupational licensing and associated mandatory training and certification requirements
-Requirements for record-keeping and acceptable record-keeping mechanisms
-Statutory reporting requirements for businesses
-Key business insurances required
-Adherence to mandatory codes of conduct enshrined in legislation
-Requirements to develop and implement plans, policies, codes of conduct or incorporate certain business practices
-Rights and responsibilities of employees and employers
-Other specific action that must be taken for legal compliance
List possible opportunities to maintain knowledge of regulatory requirements.