Reference no: EM131528892
These assignments should take the form of a short essay with references. See the Critical Writing Rubric (Course Resources Module, below) for more details.
They should be typed-up as a word document (.doc, .docx) and uploaded to Canvas by the posted due date.
1. Ask a question about climate change, and answer it. The question can be anything you've wondered about that will require research and data to answer effectively. State the question clearly and then find two sources to help answer it. Good places to start are:
skepticalscience (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
IPCC website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
(note this is very dense material, start with the summary for policymakers)
And here is a YouTube channel with a number of climate change topics dealt with in a straightforward way
Global Weirding (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
2. Use the CRITICAL WRITING GUIDELINES AND RUBRIC (see below) to evaluate the authors and apply skepticism to their positions. Please note, if you find a low-quality source and identify is as credible you will lose points.
Do not question a source's credibility just because it does not address climate denial -- it would be a bit like criticizing a biology text for not discussing unicorns. You have had ample practice identifying quality sources; use your discretion. If in doubt, ask your instructor!